Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Laundry in New York...

How do you do laundry in New York City?

Since most apartments don't have washers and dryers in the building, you can take your laundry to the laundromat yourself, you can drop it off for pick-up service at the laundromat, or you can pay to have someone pick up and drop off your laundry at your apartment.

I happen to be among the tiny school of fish in the sea of (former?) New Yorkers who prefers to do their own laundry. 

This is not because of some sick joy I find in doing laundry, mind you. It's for one reason, and one reason only; I like my laundry to smell really good.

My experience with drop off service is that my clothes come back smelling much the same as YMCA towels do. (Nothing against the Y. I love the Y, in fact, especially since they started paying my salary. The  Y rocks.)

The thing about doing laundry in New York though, is that just like everything else in New York, it's hard, especially if you live in a 4th-floor walk-up, 2.5 blocks from the laundromat. The four flights of steps are the hardest part.

Once you get to the entry way from the fourth floor, you can use your trusty New Yorker-cart. The cart is used to roll your laundry 2.5 blocks away to the laundromat.

The cart:

In preparation for the trip to the laundrymat, you can't forget your quarters and/or small bills for the quarter machine...

Because laundry in New York starts to get expensive after a while...


Laundry in Missouri...

Laundry in Missouri, on the other hand, is not hard at all. 

You have to sort your laundry and carry it to the utility room, where your own personal washer and dryer await you.

Witness washer and dryer...

And notice that there is no slot for quarters in this particluar model...

In the battle of the laundry, the score is clear:
MO = 1; NY = 0


Patti J said...

Girl, you are just too funny! I adore all of your photo's - even the one of our dusty, outdated, pure country laundry room!!!

Michel said...

I see you are following the Fourth friday Art Walk blog! I need to tell you...I will always be keeping the same that it is one page...I go in and edit it whenever I need. So you probably wont get updated info unless you go in and look at it once in awhile. My personal blog is