Sunday, April 5, 2009


Having not read the news over the last two weeks, I caught up a bit tonight.

First, my prayers are going out to the families the three Pittsburgh police officers killed this week. I lived in Pittsburgh for two years, and I loved it there. I was so sad to hear this story.

Coming a bit closer to home, MO gets a big 0 points in the MO vs. NY battle for its incest and this irresponsible gun owner. MO gets no points here. 

It doesn't bode well for my line of work that non-profits nationwide are struggling to pay the bills.

A big 1 point for New York that Coney Island isn't closed, afterall. I was among the masses who were mislead in 2008 and 2009 by talk of the park closing. Turns out, only part of the park closed in the fall...Ladies and gentleman, line up for your Nathan's hotdogs and your Wonder Wheel rides. 

And finally, a column, the writing style of which was thoroughly engaging. Check out this NY Times story on Virginia Heffernan's column, "I Hate My iPhone"

NY = 1 for being home of the newspaper I love.

Today's Total score: MO=0; NY=2

1 comment:

Patti J said...

Hahaha....loved the Iphone article! I laughed out loud! Have I ever mentioned that I hate cell phones??? lol