Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Photo Credit: Smalltowngirl, June 3, 2008

Sticktuitiveness an unsophisticated term that country people like myself use to describe what New Yorkers would call perseverence, determination, or dedication.

I'm beginning to see how that good'ole core Midwestern value of sticktuitiveness is valuable, especially in a city like New York where perseverence, especially at first, is vital to long term success (and simply to survival).

I arrived in New York eight months ago, and I've worked full time for a little over six. I also started freelancing about a year ago with just one single client.

In that time I've added three more music and dance organizations and groups to my client roster, and I've filled nine hours of every Saturday with teaching piano lessons to students in south Brooklyn. An opportunity has now come up for me to substitute teach a drumline again as well.

My dad and mom raised my brother and I to value honesty and hard work. These values are certainly paying off now, as I've stuck to my freelancing, stuck to my passion for the arts, and have seen my freelance and teaching income steadily increase. Sticktuitiveness may be an unsophisticated word, but there's something to be said for staying grounded, working hard, and doing something that you believe in.