Thursday, March 12, 2009

Eyes burning, but snug at home with my hot tea and fuzzy pjs, I feel good about moving back to Missouri.

I've spent two days this week working in various parts of St. Louis; driving in city traffic, eating in city restaurants, and talking to city people. 

I've spent the other days in small town Missouri; taking my Class E driving test at the highway patrol office, getting my new license at the DMV (I can drive company cars now, woot!), jogging on trails in the woods, and appreciating the mornings' sunrises.

I'll leave you tonight with the promise of a horseback trail ride and campout blog on Sunday, and with this photo, taken out of the sunroof of my car in downtown St. Louis on Monday. I love being a tourist in my own city:

Good night, all!

1 comment:

Patti J said...

So glad you are settling in so well and loving what you are doing. It's good to see you so content and happy. We love you!